Julia loves the library! We have taken her a couple of time to look at books, but haven't checked any books out for her until this week. Knowing how much she loves books, she will have a great love of the library, like her daddy! This trip we decided to check out a couple books for her, which she loved! It was cute to see her walk around saying , "Shhh..." Each night we read her "new library books." It will be interesting when we have to take the books back to the library... I'm already trying to prepare her for that one talking about how we can take the library books back and get new ones to check out... we'll see how it goes!

Enjoying a book with daddy in the kids' section
Looking at her new library books (I love the look on her face)! She loved how they had little chairs to sit in.
Julia's first books we checked out at the library
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