Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Little Artist

Julia loves art! A couple of months ago, she wanted nothing to do with painting, coloring, drawing, or other arts and crafts. She hated getting messy. Now, she can't get enough of it. We are collecting quite the art portfolio of things she has done at school. Julia's teacher, Ms. Kourtney has commented how Julia takes her time doing her artwork. A couple of weeks ago, they were making a picture for grandparents for Grandparents' Day. Ms. Kourtney said Julia worked on her picture for 20 minutes, working very carefully. That's my daughter, the perfectionist! This afternoon, I caught her concentrating very hard on drawing a picture on her Magnadoodle and could not resist getting some pictures.

Dress Up

This month Julia has really gotten into dressing up. I have a feeling she is going to be my girly girl. She loves putting my hair rubber bands on her wrist like a bracelet and she will carry my flip flops around, hanging on her arm like a purse. Now I need to start working on getting more dress up things for her.

Monkeying Around

Since we often call Julia, "Monkey", it was only fitting she be a monkey for Halloween. Thanks to Julia's Nan, we have a very cute monkey costume that Julia loves and feels comfortable in. We just had to try it on her to make sure it fit!

Reading Buddies

Julia still loves her books. She will sit in your lap and 'read' with you. Here are some cute pics of Julia reading with her Papa and Aunt Shelby.

Big Girl Eating!

Julia decided she wanted to eat cereal like I do, so I gave her a bowl of cereal to see what she would do. She loved it!

Eating spaghetti at Nannie and Papa's house...


Looks like we've got a little shopper on our hands...

Blog Catch Up

So, I've accumulated lots of cute pics the past couple of weeks of Julia, but just haven't had the time to get them on the computer and put them on the blog. I've finally uploaded all my pictures from the past couple weeks, so enjoy the show...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Eager Eater

Now that Julia is a solid food eater, she really enjoys her food! Last week we went to The Olive Garden for dinner and Julia really loved the pasta... it was too cute not to capture on camera.