Julia and I met up with her Aunt Erin and cousins Nolan and Tatum at a Jumpy Gym by their house one afternoon over Christmas Break. This was Julia's first time at a jumpy place, so I was curious how she would react. At first, she was a little timid and preferred to play with a little jungle gym off to the side, but eventually she warmed up more and attempted a larger jumpy thing. Once she saw it wasn't so bad, she went on it three or four times and didn't want to leave.
Next, I tried to get Julia to go on one of the big inflatable slides with me. We watched Aunt Erin go up with Tate and slide down. Julia wanted me to carry her up these tiny and steep inflatable steps (very tricky to do in socked feet). She had fun, but didn't want to try it again.
The Ultimate in bouncy house/inflatable slide- I don't know about this one!?
Eventually Julia got the courage to go up in this one, which was a huge deal for her! I was so proud of her when she finally climbed up the back part leading to the inflatable slide and then slid down.
Maneuvering through the obstacles...
Climbing up the little hill to get to the slide...
Almost there....
Hi mommy! I think I'm ready...
Woo hoo!!
Hey that wasn't so bad... again, again!!
I foresee many more trips to the jumpy place in our future...
Fun! We live about 2 minutes from this place. :)
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