October was filled with lots of dressing up and changes!
Big Girl Bed- Mid-October we decided to transition Julia to a big girl bed. She was getting so long, she didn't fit comfortably in her crib anymore. Even though she was getting to long for her crib, we wanted to slowly transition her into a big girl bed.

Testing out her big girl mattress... I think she likes it!

Her big girl bed!

Big girl bookshelf from her Aunt Shelby
Dressing Up! - With Halloween aroung the corner, there was a lot of dress-up opportunities. Julia LOVES to dress-up, so she was in heaven!

Chilling in the car with Nannie and Mommy, drinking some Starbucks milk

Sunglasses make every meal taste better!

Beauty Shop day at school! They were talking about the Letter B at school that week

Circus Day! This week they were talking about the Letter C. Julia was a cat and loved having her face painted!
Halloween at School- Dressing up at school and going trick-or-treating to all the classrooms was so much fun. Julia loved seeing all her friends dressed up and getting to trick-or-treat at school.

I'm a butterfly... not a fairy princess!

Trick-or-treating at school


Day 2 of Halloween at school- I'm a lion, ROAR!!

Mommy and I are both kitties!!
Halloween Night 2010
Carving a pumkin with my cousin, Ryan

Wait, you mean we have to walk to each house to get candy??!

Walking with Daddy to another house

All tuckered out after an evening of fun... Happy Halloween!
And to end this post, a cute video of Julia trick-or-treating. She had a blast! For weeks after, she walked around knocking on doors saying, "Trick-or-treat!!"
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