Sunday, November 27, 2011

Photo Card

Up In Lights Christmas
Shutterfly has elegant Christmas party invitations for your holiday party.
View the entire collection of cards.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Julia Cuteness

This post is dedicated to random pictures I have of Julia that haven't been included in previous posts, but that I love! Most of these pictures were taken during the summertime.
This pic was taken at my niece's first communion, by my sister. I love Julia's expression!

Over the summer we bought Julia a scooter. I love this cute daddy/daughter picture!

Jules likes to help her Nan garden. She even got her own flower, which unfortunately, never made it into the ground.

I love this cute face! It looks like a picture I remember my parents have of my at this age too.

Getting ready for Easter!
My little shopper!

Julia and her Lovie...

Just hanging around at home

Some bathtime fun...

4th of July fun...

Our little girlie girl!

Julia LOVES her puppies!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


If you cannot see clearly... somebody is going to be a big sister!! Yes, I am pregnant with #2, or as we affectionately call it, "Baby Pistachio." I am due around May 20, 2012 and we couldn't be more excited! We waited a little while before telling Julia, but she has since figured it out, we think.

A couple months ago, around the beginning of September, we started asking Julia if "someday" she wanted to be a big sister and have a baby brother or sister. She decided yes she would like that, but we waited to definitively tell her just because it is a LONG time to wait for anyone, but especially a child. Around the beginning of October, she has started talking about the "baby in mommy's tummy" very matter-of-factly (smart girl!). When we finally did tell her last weekend, she was very excited and even said, "I know Mommy" in a very matter-of-fact way. Since then, we have had many baby conversationa. Julia likes to pat and kiss our baby in my tummy. She recently told my mom she thinks we should name the baby, "Happy" if it is a boy or girl.

Like my pregnancy with Julia, I have been feeling good, but being pregnant with a 3-year-old is definitely more difficult! I am excited to see how the months unfold. This weekend I am officially 12 weeks pregnant. I have a sonogram on Wednesday so pictures will be posted soon...