Well, January has come and gone. I can't believe in less than two weeks, my baby girl will be one. In many ways, it seems like only yesterday I held her in my arms for the first time in the hospital. This month has been filled with spending a lot of time at home with Andrew and Julia. It has been fun watching her change before my eyes...
Right around Christmas, Julia figured out how to crawl. Its cute. She is quite the army crawler! She gets one of her legs into it. Mid-January she started getting up on her knees and rocking back and forth.
She's also talking up a storm- adding more and more words to her vocabulary. I am amazed with some of the words she can say and how quickly she is picking things up!
Here are some cute pics from this month-

See my two front teeth!

My new friend, Monkey, that my Nannie bought me.
What an angel!
Julia is beautiful! Hopefully I can meet her one day soon. One downfall to living in College Station.
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