Mommy and me at my party
Yuck, I don't like frosting!
I'm such a cutie! My daddy was holding at the back of my dress so mommy could try to take a picture of me, but I didn't want to be still that long.
Boy, am I pooped! What a birthday.
The Life and Times of Julia Hagood
Mommy and me at my party
Yuck, I don't like frosting!
I'm such a cutie! My daddy was holding at the back of my dress so mommy could try to take a picture of me, but I didn't want to be still that long.
Boy, am I pooped! What a birthday.
Happy belated Birthday to Julia. She is so beautiful. Looks like you all had a great time on her birthday. The time does fly by, just a bit over a month before Reese is one.
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