Since we didn't send out Christmas cards or a Christmas letter this year (I feel like a bad mom not sending out a xmas card for Julia's first Christmas), I felt I should send something out recapping 2008...
What a year! As 2008 started I had no idea what was in store for us. Andrew and I had a baby on the way and we were full of anticipation. When Julia was born, it felt like we were living someone else's life. As Andrew and I muddled our way through the early stages of parenthood, we learned a lot about ourselves and our new family. I learned, going back to work after being home on maternity leave for only seven weeks, that I was already so in love with our baby girl. I watched Andrew turn into an amazing father, taking care of Julia and working from home, as I went back to work.
The majority of the year was spent experiencing many of Julia's firsts and working A LOT. In July, we went to the beack for our annual trip with my in-laws. What a wonderful experience seeing the beach through Julia's eyes! She especially loved watching the ocean and the seagulls. Then, a couple of weeks ago, I joined the ranks of those that have been laid off. Gotta love the economy right now. Fortunately, I have some connections and will try to continue doing dyslexia evaluations privately as well as doing some contract work here and there. Ultimately, I know that God has a reason for everything and I just have to have faith.
Looking back over the year, I truly feel blessed. I have a wonderful husband and daughter. Julia is such a blessing in our lives. Each day she amazes us with something new. I have my health and a lot of people around me who love and support me.
I wish for each of you a happy and safe 2009.
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