Julia's surgery was scheduled for 8:30, so we needed to be ther at 7:30. When we got there, we met with Julia's nurse for pre-op. We met the nurses that would be with Julia, both anesthesiologists, as well as the ENT doing the procedure. I was amazed at how well Julia did the whole time, especially pre-op. She waved to the nurses, played peek-a-boo with the anesthesiologist, and ran around. She was very happy and relaxed and even liked the gown they gave us to put on her and the footie socks.

Julia also liked pretending she was sleeping, mixed in with walking around on the bed.
When it was time to take Julia back to get some laughing gas, she let the nurses take her a nd didn't fuss at all a they walked her down the hall. After that a nurse led us to a post-op room to wait for the surgery to be done. It felt like the longest 45 minutes of our lives, waiting to see Julia again.
When they brought her back after the surgery, Julia looked so frail and out of it. The nurse put her in my arms, my nervous stomach kicked in and I felt very nauseous and had to quickly hand her off to Andrew because I thought I was going to be sick. Julia then threw up from being jostled about, I fainted, and came to to Julia crying for me! What an introduction to post-op!!
Things finally settled a bit and we tried to get Julia to drink something. Jules wouldn't drink anything! She threw up again. It took a little while to raealize she was throwing up because of the congestion she had rather than the anesthesia. After anti-nausea meds, Benadryl, and pain meds in her IV, around 11:30, Julia finally ate some orange jello and she was discharged. It was a very long morning.
Once we got Julia home, we all took a long nap, and Julia had a decent evening. She even had a couple of visitors from her Nannie and Nan. What a day!!
Sweet baby girl. Glad y'all are both doing better!
I had no idea! Glad to know things were better after post-op!
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