In addition to Easter and bluebonnet pics, April was filled with some cute random moments we wanted to remember! Our little girl is starting to pretend play and has become our little helper, which is so adorable to watch. She likes to cook in her kitchen (although she likes the knobs on the stove in the big kitchen better!), pretends she is a puppy, drives her toy cars around, calls mommy and daddy on her play phone, and goes to the "grocery store" to buy food to cook. She also is getting into playing with a dollhouse and making the little people do different things. Her favorite thing is to have them go "pee-pee in the potty" (it makes a flushing sound when you close the lid to the potty) and then cheers them on and has them "wash their hands."
This month, Julia explored the various occupations she could do when she grows up....
The Veteranarian- Cleaning the pups paws when they come in from outside, reading to them to entertain them, and making sure they have enough water in their bowls... that's all there is to it, right?

The Gardener- Fun in the sun, getting your hands dirty, and planting flowers seeds... oh wait, Julia doesn't like getting her hands dirty and seemed to have more fun playing with the water hose afterwards!

The Artist- Colored Dora picture, anyone??

The Actor- Scary face...augh!!!!
The Chef- Macaroni anyone?

The Dietician- Hmm, looks like yogurt is good for you! This job is easy. Yay!!

The Dentist- Keep those teeth clean! Brush, brush, brush.
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