Julia has a playdate with two of her cousins, Tatum and Nolan. They had fun "playing together" and Julia even shared her popsicles with them!
Julia even gave Nolan a hug good-bye!
Julia found a new use for the treadmill too! "You mean it's not another table for me to color on?"
Julia is starting to get into baby dolls. At school, she likes to play with them and rock them.
Trip to the Austin Zoo- March 17, 2010
My mom and I took Julia and the girls to the Austin Zoo. This was Julia's first trip to the zoo. She seemed a little overwhelmed at times, but overall really enjoyed it. She liked the monkeys best! 
Telling the monkeys hello!

The peacocks were extremely loud! Julia kept calling them, "mommy birds."
Julia's comment to the bear, "No bear, no bear!" She thought he was a little too close to us.
"No tutle!" (-Julia)
"Big lion kitty, Mow!" (-Julia)
Julia petting a goat! She was okay with this goat (because he wasn't moving!) until another one (the white one behind us) came into the pen.

Ah, freedom from the stroller!!

During Spring Break, we also enjoyed a delicious lunch at Macaroni Grill with the girls. Julia loves mac & cheese and can eat the entire bowl!

Julia also had the opportunity to remeet some of Andrew's family in March. The last time they saw Jules was last summer before she started walking. What a difference now (thanks to OT)! Julia even went up to cousins Christie and Cara and her Great Aunt Shelli and gave them hugs after remeeting them!
Loving on Aunt Erin! Julia was a little under the weather.
Reading with cousins Christie and Nolan. Julia really liked Christie!
Reading books with the girls...

Getting some love from Aunt Shelli!
Lastly, Julia started OT again in late March. We saw her OT for a re-evaluation after turning 2 to check on her progress. While Jules made tremendous progress since she finished OT last summer, she still had low muscle tone and a weak core, which was hindering her walking smoothly and keeping her from jumping and running. Right away Julia remembered Ms. Tammy and playing with balls, etc. during OT. This time around she was more willing and ready to go to OT.
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