Lots has happened this month. For starters, Julia turned one. We had her one-year appointment, which went pretty well. Julia is growing like a weed! She is now almost 31 inches tall and weighs 20 lbs. The doctor was shocked by the number of words she was saying... she's our little talker! She is starting to put two words together when she talks, which is exciting.
Julia is developing well in every other way, except for her gross motor skills. The doctor was a little concerned that Julia isn't walking or even pulling up on things yet, so she referred us to a physical therapist for an evaluation. So, now I am in the process of researching physical therapists in the area and setting up an evaluation. Julia's doctor thankfully, didn't think there was anything "wrong" with Julia, but she just wanted us to get things checked out. She thought Julia had the leg strength. So, we'll see what happens. It is definitely weird being on the other side of things, having to get my child evaluated for something instead of being the one doing the evaluation. Andrew and I truly believe that Julia just isn't interested yet and is content crawling around, but want to be sure.
Other than that, we bought Julia a forward-facing "big girl" car seat. It seems crazy that she is big enough for it, but she was too tall to stay in her infant car seat.
Here are some cute pics from February I took that I wanted to share.