A couple of weeks ago, right around Halloween, Julia occasionally started telling us when she had pooped or peed in her diaper. I figured since she was starting to be aware of when she dirtied her diaper, it might be time to casually introduce her to the potty. A couple of times she has walked up to the big potty and pointed to it saying, "Poo poo." So, my mom and I went out in search of a simple and inexpensive little potty. We found one and I put some stickers on it that are up in her room.

I put the potty downstairs in our guest bathroom, since we spend so much time downstairs during the day. When Julia first saw her potty, she loved the stickers and immediately wanted to sit on it.

She likes to "open" and "close" (as Julia calls it) the lid and sit down on the potty (fully clothed) and look at a book. We even put some books in a basket next to the potty.

I definitely don't want to force anything on her, but am more than willing to help her explore her curiosity of the potty. Who knows, maybe someday soon she'll want to take her diaper off and sit on the potty. Maybe it's time for some potty books... I foresee "Everbody Poops" in our future.