Julia had her 9 month check-up last Friday. She now weighs 17 lb 7 oz, and is 28 3/4 inches long. She continues to ride right along that 25%tile line for weight and around the 90%tile for length. We also found out that she should have a couple teeth coming in in the next couple of weeks! Julia's doctor showed us the transluscent outlines of her teeth along her bottom gums. That was pretty exciting. After all these months of a toothless baby girl, it will be interesting to see her with some teeth. Stay tuned...
We also had the "joy" of taking Julia to get blood drawn to test for anemia. Andrew and I both thought initially that it would be a heel prick. Nope! I had to sit with her in my lap in the big chair grown people usually sit in to have blood drawn, they tied the rubber band around her arm to find her vein in her elbow, and drew two tubes of blood! It was a little scary. I couldn't believe they took blood that way from babies. Julia was good, but had tears streaming down her face the entire time as I held her down and still for the nurses. Andreww usually gets to be the one wwith her when she gets shots, but I felt like I needed to go through that with her as well. I'd hate for her to grow up remembering her mommy sitting in the corner with tears in her eyes as her baby was being given shots. The two nurses who were at the lab were wonderful with Julia and were quite gentle and sweet to our baby girl.
Julia continues to amaze us everyday. Recently, it seems she is doing so many new things. She is waving , talking up a storm with what seems like strings of babbles, holding her bottle herself, recognizing people's names, and being an all-around wiggle worm. She has decided she finally really likes rolling around and turns herself around on her tummy 360 degrees. Before we know it, she'll be crawling around. What a precious baby girl!
Hot Chocolate Bombs
7 years ago
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