my two front teeth! Julia now has a second tooth coming in on the bottom. Boy, when they start coming in, they come in quick. Once I can get a good shot of her new pearly whites, I'll post a pic.
I hope everyone had a relaxing Thanksgiving. It's amazing being home for those extra couple of days, Julia seems to be doing so much more. She has become a proficient waver! It's quite cute- she gets her whole upper body into it. She is also saying ,"Da" and looks at Andrew and says, "Hi"when she waves sometimes. We're working on blowing kisses and getting her to say, "Ho, ho, ho!" So far, she does one "ho," occasionally two.
Have a good week! Here are some pics I took of our growing girl this past week...
Hey, who's that cute baby in there?
Are you talkin' to me?