Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Build A Bear Party- Julia's First

This past weekend Julia got to go to Build A Bear for the first time. What an experience!

Waiting in line to get a name tag and go in...hanging with the big girls!

Julia chose a cute kitty and named it Barney Kitty, after our oldest dog that passed away a month earlier... what a sweet little girl!

About to shake some life into Barney Kitty...


Carefully selecting a heart to go inside Barney Kitty

Working in Ryan's birthday card with the big girls

Mommy, do you see this!!?? She is putting fluff into Barney Kitty!

Oh, Barney Kitty, I love you!!

Giving Barney Kitty a "bath"

Giving Barney Kitty a piggy-back ride back to the front of the store

Making Barney Kitty walk around...

You can't have a birthday party without a birthday cupcake!!