Julia really got into her ABCs and recognizing them everywhere. She also started putting the letter and its corresponding sound together. She's been spelling her name outloud and one evening during her bath, Julia spelled her name with her ABCs! She was so proud!!
For Spring Break we relaxed and enjoyed some family time, spending some time at the park by my parents' house with the girls. Julia loved running around and even climbed up on the playscape a couple of times.

At school, in March, Julia's class had tricycle day! Julia was so excited to be able to bring her trike to school and wear her princess helmet. It was a bittersweet moment watching Julia out with all her friends from her class riding around. With Julia's low muscle tone, she can't peddle herself on her trike. I was so proud of her for trying to pedal and pushing herself along, but as a mom, it was hard to see her friends "zooming" by on their trikes with such ease. She was so excited and kept trying-- that's my girl!!

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