Saturday, August 29, 2009

Corpus Vacation

A couple weeks ago we went to Corpus with my in-laws like we do every summer. I was excited about Julia playing at the beach and the pool. Last year when we went she was about five months old, so I was excited to be able to do more with her. We has such a great time! We went to the aquarium, ate wonderful food, spent time with family, and enjoyed the beach and pool everyday. Julia loved the beach and the pool! She was fearless with the waves in the ocean, laughing when the water came in and splashed her, and fussing when the water went back out into the ocean. It was nice to be able to spend time together as a family, enjoy our little girl and watch her blossom.

Julia and her cousin, Nolan, watching the otters at the aquarium. Watching the dolphins swim

Julia was blowing kisses to the fish.

Julia, me, and my mother and father-in-law


Lizze said...

Sounds like a wonderful vacation!