What a busy couple of weeks it has been! Julia had a couple of firsts over the past two weeks, which was very exciting. This past Monday I took her for an Occupational Therapy evaluation to see why she isn't pulling up or walking, per Julia's pediatrician's recommendation. I was very nervous because Julia is a little leary of new people, but she was great! The OT is wonderful and I think Julia will really like working with her. She responded very well to her. It turns out Julia may be having trouble because of her vestibular system and some tactile sensitiveness. Sounded like greek to me, but it may also explain why she isn't eating solids yet. Andrew and I meet with the OT Monday to get the report and go over the results.
In the past week, Julia has really been working hard. She is pulling up a lot and even occasionally getting on her hands and knees. She is a big army crawler and until this week has never gotten up on her hands in a crawling position. Way to go, Jules!
Julia also went on a swing for the first time last weekend at her Nan and Pop's house (Andrew's parents). She was nervous at first, but once she got the hang of the motion of the swing, she loved it!

We also took Julia to get her pictures in the bluebonnets before they went away. She loved sitting with the flowers and we got some cute pictures.