Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Julia!

I can't believe my baby is one! We ended up having a small celebration on Julia's birthday with her grandparents and then Saturday had a birthday party with some friends and family. It was fun, here are some pics...

This was as messy as I got! I'm not much for cake yet and I don't like to be messy (I tried to put some cake and icing on her tray to see if she would play with it, but no way).

Yay, I'm one!

Mommy and me at my party

Yuck, I don't like frosting!

I'm such a cutie! My daddy was holding at the back of my dress so mommy could try to take a picture of me, but I didn't want to be still that long.

Boy, am I pooped! What a birthday.

All in all, it was a great birthday for our little girl. We love you , Julia!


The Ford's said...

Happy belated Birthday to Julia. She is so beautiful. Looks like you all had a great time on her birthday. The time does fly by, just a bit over a month before Reese is one.